As reported by RIA news agency, according to a source in Tajikistan’s special services, 15 individuals have been apprehended, as of March 29, for plotting terrorist attacks during the Nowruz holiday,a festival celebrated to mark the Persian New Year. Officials are currently investigating their possible links to the individuals responsible for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall on March 22.The suspects linked to the Moscow terror attack have been arrested in Tajikistan. According to RIA Novosti, these individuals were in contact with the gunmen responsible for the deadly incident at Crocus City Hall on March 22. The suspects, residents of the Vakhdat district near Dushanbe, are believed to have connections to the terrorist group Islamic State. Russian authorities participated in the operation to detain them.
Four gunmen, who were Tajik nationals, carried out the attack but were captured in a Russian region bordering Ukraine. Investigations suggest that the attackers, previously identified as radical Islamists, received funding from Ukrainian nationalists. A total of 12 people, including the gunmen, have been detained in Russia in connection to the Crocus City Hall massacre and may face life imprisonment for terrorism charges. The attack resulted in 144 fatalities. The law enforcement agencies of Russia, in collaboration with other nations, have focused their efforts on understanding the complex network behind the attack, and on preventing further acts of terrorism.
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Key Investigation Updates
According to Baza, an online news outlet, a source reported to them that the perpetrators of the Crocus City Hall attack, that blood samples taken of the suspects, Shamsutdin Fariduni, Dalerjon Mirzoev, Saidakrami Rachabalizod, and Muhammadsobir Fayzov,they were found to be under the influence of a psychotropic substance that inhibits fear responses. The substance is known to distort reality, although the specific substance’s name was not disclosed by the Baza’s source.
Further examination revealed that the suspects had studied the venue meticulously, visiting it on several occasions—on the 7th, 10th, and 14th of March. In addition, it has been discovered that the assailants had visited Crocus City Hall to prepare for the attack. The presence of Fariduni Shamsutdin on March 7th is corroborated by a photo captured by an unwitting concert hall photographer, complemented by a taxi driver’s account of having transported him from the site to Putilkovo. Details also emerged about another individual associated with the group who made two separate visits to the location on March 10th and 14th.
Forensically, the day before the attack, on March 21, the suspects were observed at a Gazpromneft gas station within the vicinity of Strogino and the Moscow Ring Road, refueling the Renault vehicle later used in their attempted escape post-attack. The same vehicle a few of the suspects were in when apprehended by Russian authorities, later, near the Ukraine border. They purportedly sought to cross the border with Ukraine to escape pursuit and potentially receive “a heroes’ welcome”, as was alleged by Aleksandr Bortnikov, the head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB).
Subsequently, Gazpromneft released an update clarifying that, upon reviewing surveillance footage, the Renault car cited by authorities was not recorded at their Strogino-area gas station between March 20th and 21st. This additional information is vital for the ongoing investigation as it offers insights into the movements and planning that preceded the tragic events at Crocus City Hall.
Allegations And Connections
The ongoing investigation posits that the apprehended suspects may have encountered extremist ideologies online, particularly from an Islamic State-affiliated source in Afghanistan. The authorities have yet to comment on the depth of these connections, and stress that the investigation continues with the aim to comprehensively understand all factors involved – although many accusations, and unfounded claims, are circulating, from various directions.
While the Islamic State (IS) initially claimed responsibility for the Crocus City Hall attack, ongoing investigations have raised suspicions regarding the involvement of other entities. At this stage, investigations have cast a shadow of doubt on the possibility of the Ukrainian intelligence service’s role in orchestrating the plot. Despite such allegations, it is important to approach the ongoing investigation with caution, giving due diligence to follow the facts and evidence in order to ascertain the complete truth.
By KocTpuKuH – Own work, CC0,
Response And Ramifications
The devastating loss has led to widespread reactions with 12 individuals now detained in Russia, eight of whom are facing life sentences under terrorism charges. These decisions attest to Russia’s commitment to combating terrorism and securing public safety.
Maria Zakharova, the Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman of Russia, in a press conference on wednesday, highlighted the outpouring of international messages of condolence and solidarity, with leaders from various nations promptly offering their support. Symbolic actions of unity such as the lighting of skylines in Russian colors have been noted globally. There’s a unanimous condemnation of the attack from the United Nations Security Council, urging cooperation in bringing those responsible to justice.
Interpol’s Response to Crocus City Hall Attack Raises Concerns
Maria Zakharova emphasized Interpol’s support in addressing the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack. She highlighted Secretary-General Jurgen Stock’s commitment to assisting investigations, aligning with the organization’s core principles in the INTERPOL Charter.
Zakharova raised issues about the contradiction between Stock’s support and the 2022 decision restricting information exchange with Russia, a key Interpol member. This discrepancy questions INTERPOL’s consistency and adherence to its Charter principles, urging corrective actions to maintain integrity.
Concerns were voiced against external influences, warning against the politicization of INTERPOL by Western entities, particularly in disconnecting Russia. Upholding transparency and cooperation without political interference is crucial for Interpol to safeguard its neutrality.
In navigating investigation support and Charter commitments, Zakharova stressed the need for INTERPOL to uphold its principles and resist external pressures. Her insights underscore the organization’s importance in international law enforcement amid evolving challenges.
Addressing Criticisms and The Way Forward
Zakharova referenced several international responses and incidents, underscoring the need for genuine global collaboration in the fight against terrorism. The assertions of some Western officials have been met with criticism from Russian figures, advocating for an approach based on factual evidence rather than unfounded accusations.
It is evident that the majority of the international community has demonstrated a united front against terrorism, emphasizing the need for a coordinated and collaborative approach in pursuing justice and peace. This collective resolve to confront terror reflects a universal human experience that transcends national boundaries. The outpouring of support and solidarity following the Crocus City Hall attack, and other such atrocities, of lesser or greater magnitude, serves as a poignant reminder of the shared commitment to combat extremism and uphold the values of peace and security. As the world continues to grapple with the complexities of global security, the response to this tragic event underscores the imperative for sustained cooperation and vigilance in safeguarding against the threats posed by terrorism, whether it be from lone individuals, or higher profile entities – such as state sponsors of terrorism, and wherever it may originate.
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